We have two additional members of our family who we love to pieces. Though they are a bit mischevious at times, our lives wouldn't be complete without them! Cooper is our Basset Hound and Koby is our Collie/Retriever mix. They are great with the kids and the kids adore them back!
Jansen and Hudson have been blessed with a wondefully large extended family and some really great cousins! Though some of them live far away, they are blessed to have Kennedy and Landry close, so they get to spend lots of time with them. Here are some pics from when Kennedy was over a few weeks ago....the girls LOVE playing dress up together!
A few weeks ago, Mike's parents were in town, and we were all able to head out to the local Minor League baseball game. Bresha and Shannon both work at the park, so we get treated like royalty when we go...free dinner and drinks, a suite to spread out in and lots of treats for the kids. Jansen and Landry even got to 'run the bases' after the game. It's always a great time!
We're a goofy crew and when Jansen was younger, we'd have little dance parties with her all the time. These were soon named 'Morris Family Dance Parties' and now at any moment (in the house, in the car, outside), someone will yell 'Morris Family Dance Party!' and everyone has to stop what they're doing and start dancing ~ even Hudson gets in on the fun!
Sure it's a little silly, but that's what we're all about....having fun and dancing our way through life together!
We were married on April 26, 2003. Michael is a Psychologist and Shalon is a Compliance and Training Development Manager.
We love spending time at the lake, are reality tv junkies and are crazy about our kids!
Jansen was born on December 1, 2004. She is an incredibly fun little girl who isn't afraid to try anything. She loves soccer, tee ball, gymnastics and swimming. She also loves to sing and dance and constantly entertains us!
Hudson Walker
Hudson was born on January 9, 2008. He is 'all boy'...loves cars, dogs, balls and his big sister! He's the sweetest thing you'd ever want to meet and is always offering smiles and kisses!