I love that Jansen is getting older and understands more about Birthdays and Christmas and is at the perfect age to get the 'magic' of it all! I also love that she's old enough to make us some personal creations, like Birthday Cards! Here is one she make for Mike on his birthday...it almost brought me to tears! She's such a sweet girl!
Jansen hosted her first Sleepover on October 9th. She had her friend Hannah spend the night and they had such a good time. They played dolls, dress up, ate lots of candy, watched a movie and fell asleep in the same bed ~ they were too cute!
Shannon turned the big 4-0 on September 8, so we all headed to Vegas! Our very best friends met us there and we had the best time! Shannon is looking FABULOUS for 40 and we can all only hope to rock 40 like she is!!!
Jansen is always begging to go camping 'in a tent', so we decided to oblige her and we all packed up and headed out to the great outdoors! Anyone who knows me knows that I DO NOT camp, so this was a huge step for me (the things you do for your kids!) Everyone was a great sport and the whole family went - Mom and dad, shannon and bobby, Bresha and Landry, and Breann and Kennedy. We had a great time at the playground, on a nature hike, roasting marshmallows and just enjoying each other.
Then night came...and it got cold...and started raining - HARD. We all froze and got soaked overnight, but still everyone remained in good spirits. Despite the weather, we all had the best time and can't wait to do it again!
This year Jansen wanted to be a Cheerleader for Halloween and of course she needed someone to cheer for, so Hudson was her Football Player. They both represented our hometown team well - the Dallas Cowboys (watch out Romo!!!)
Kennedy was an adorable Poodle Skirt girl and Landry looked like the perfect 'T-Bird'!
The 'adults' of the fam decided to dress up as the Flintstones for Halloween and it was so much fun! Shannon and Bresha made all of our costumes and they were absolutely amazing! I couldn't believe how well they did! Michael and I were Betty and Barney Rubble and Breann so lovingly played the role of our son Bam Bam - Thanks breann! Shannon and Bobby were a perfect Fred and Wilma with Bresha filling the shoes of adorable Pebbles and the good sport Rachel was a great Dino! We went to 2 parties and were a hit with everyone!
We all headed to the annual Texas State Fair in early October and had a great time. Mom, Dad, Shan, Bob and our family stuffed ourselves with every fried item we could find, including Fried Butter - Yum!
The highlight of our visit was Jansen participating in the Pee Wee Rodeo. They have the kids dress up in chaps and cowboy hats and they even got their own rodeo number to wear on their backs. Each age group 'competes' in an event and Jansen did the "bareback riding" and took 1st place! She got a ribbon, trophy and was then named Rodeo Clown and got to dress up like a rodeo clown and put in a barrell for the "bull riders". It was the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!! And she was so proud of herself!
We're a goofy crew and when Jansen was younger, we'd have little dance parties with her all the time. These were soon named 'Morris Family Dance Parties' and now at any moment (in the house, in the car, outside), someone will yell 'Morris Family Dance Party!' and everyone has to stop what they're doing and start dancing ~ even Hudson gets in on the fun!
Sure it's a little silly, but that's what we're all about....having fun and dancing our way through life together!
We were married on April 26, 2003. Michael is a Psychologist and Shalon is a Compliance and Training Development Manager.
We love spending time at the lake, are reality tv junkies and are crazy about our kids!
Jansen was born on December 1, 2004. She is an incredibly fun little girl who isn't afraid to try anything. She loves soccer, tee ball, gymnastics and swimming. She also loves to sing and dance and constantly entertains us!
Hudson Walker
Hudson was born on January 9, 2008. He is 'all boy'...loves cars, dogs, balls and his big sister! He's the sweetest thing you'd ever want to meet and is always offering smiles and kisses!