Yesterday was Kindergarten Round Up/Registration for Jansen. It's so hard to believe that she is ready for on earth did we get to this place????? When she was born, Kindergarten seemed soooooo far away, yet here we are now. It is sad and exciting at the same time. She is beyond thrilled to be going. Last night while Michael and I filled out paperwork and learned about the school and procedures, Jansen went with her fellow classmates to a Kindergarten class and had story time and did a craft. When they asked the kids to go with them, she was the first to jump and run to the line...she didn't even say goodbye or look back at us! I love that she's so excited and ready to go, but it was hard to see her walk away from me like such a big girl without a moment's hesitation. This is going to be so much harder on me than her!
Here she is in front of her new school - Yale Elementary. It is just down the street from us, in our neighborhood and is ranked as an Exemplary school. We are so lucky to have such a great school right in our own neighborhood!
New Years at the Ranch...
2 months ago
Love it! When does kinder start there? August?