Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring???? Maybe not....

Supposedly yesterday was the first day of Spring. Well, I guess Texas didn't get the memo because we had a semi-snow storm last night and it feels more like January! The kids played for a while, but it was so cold they came in before I got to take any pictures of them. The dogs loved it, so I got some pics of them and then of the kids enjoying some yummy hot chocolate!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Milestones for the kids are always bittersweet. It's amazing that they have accomplished yet another amazing feat, but at the same time it is sad because it shows how much they are growing up. This morning Hudson went pee pee in the potty for the first time. Jansen, Michael and I were all in the bathroom with him (most things with us are a family affair!) and we cheered for him like he'd just won the superbowl...there was clapping, dancing, jumping and candy and he was so proud of himself...he even went to school and told all of his teachers! While the prospect of not buying diapers is very appealing, a little bit of my heart broke this morning as my 'baby' turned into a little more of a big boy. That being said, I am so proud of him - WAY TO GO HUDSON!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Charge it!

A little Jansen funny from yesterday...

As I was paying Jansen's gymnastics tuition yesterday, the lady pulled up  our account and told me the total due was $69. Tuition is $65, so I asked her why there was an extra $4 due. She told me it appeared that there was a $4 charge and pulled it up. Turns out that the last time Jansen went there for Parents Night Out, they let her charge $4 worth of snacks!
Anyone who really knows Jansen also knows that she is the 'Snack Monster', as we call her because the girl LOVES snacks. God help us now that she apparently has a line of credit at the Gymnastics place and knows how to use it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Adult Night Out!!!!

Mike and I never forget that mommy's and daddy's need to have fun of their own! This past weekend we joined a great group of our friends at a local bar to see a band called Poison Cherry. They're an 80s cover band and they are GREAT! They get totally into 'character' with the big hair, ripped jeans and groupies. It's always a good time!

We had a little funny when we told Jansen we were going out:

Me: Jansen, you're going to have a babysitter because daddy and I are going out tonight
Jansen: Where are you going? Can I come?
Me: No, it's just a place for mommy's and daddy's
Jansen: Oh, so they're going to have WINE there??!!!

She cracks me up!!!!!
Me and Mikey!

Oh yea, I still got moves!


Some random guy jumped in the picture. Check out Bresha's face!!! I LOVE it!!!!